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Here's a little secret about what the web likes best. Unique, useful, updated content.
The most successful blogs and the best stores, are all filled with unique stuff. Stuff worth talking about.
Collections of recommended links. Opinions that are all YOURS. Lists of information that actually make a point. Debates worth engaging in. Hand-built organization that teaches. Copy that's worth reading.
If you stick remarkable stuff on your lens, stuff that's useful to readers who stop by, something that's exclusive to you, and you update it now and then, well, guess what? You've just created something that search engines gobble up with a spoon.
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 重要名词解释 Blog:Blog是个人或群体以时间顺序所作的一种记录,且不断更新。Blog之间的交流主要是通过反向引用(TrackBack )和留言/ 评论(Comment )的方式来进行的。Blog的作者(Blogger ),既是这个Blog的创作人,也是其档案管理人。
TrackBack :是一种Blog应用工具,它可以让Blogger 知道有哪些人看到自己的文章后撰写了与之有关的内容。这种功能实现了网站之间的互相通告;因此它也可以看作一种提醒功能。
RSS:是一种用于共享新闻和其他Web 内容的数据交换规范。读者可以通过RSS 订阅一个Blog,确知该Blog最近的更新。
Wiki:1995年,沃德。坎宁安(Ward Cunningham )为了方便模式社群的交流创建了全世界第一个w i k i 系统——WikiWikiWeb (,并用它建立了波特兰模式知识库,在建立过程中,沃德。坎宁安创造了Wiki的概念和名称,并且实现了支持这些概念的服务系统。
Social Bookmark :社会化书签,它可以让你把喜爱的网站随时加入自己的网络书签中;你可以用多个关键词(Tag )而不是分类来标示和整理你的书签,并与其他人共享。
六度分隔理论:(Six Degrees of Separation )。1967年,哈佛大学的心理学教授Stanley Milgram (1933~1984)创立。简单地说:“你和任何一个陌生人之间所间隔的人不会超过六个,也就是说,最多通过六个人你就能够认识任何一个陌生人。”六度分隔理论的数学解释是:如果每个人平均认识260 人,其六度就是2606=1188137600000.消除一些节点重复,那也几乎覆盖了整个地球人口若干多倍。 (名词解释的主要内容来自Wiki网络大百科全书) 小资料
SNS 以及六度分隔理论 Social Networking Service (简称SNS ,社会化网络软件)是Web 2.0 体系下的一个技术应用架构。SNS 基于六度分隔理论运作,这个理论的通俗解释是:“在人脉网络中,要结识任何一位陌生的朋友,中间最多只要通过六个朋友就可以达到目的。” 放在Web 2.0 的背景下,每个用户都拥有自己的Blog、自己维护的Wiki、社会化书签或者Podcast.
用户通过Tag 、RSS 或者IM、邮件等方式连接到一起,“按照六度分隔理论,每个个体的社交圈都不断放大,最后成为一个大型网络,这就是社会化网络(SNS )。”
Google推出1GB 免费信箱也是一个SNS 应用,通过网友之间的互相邀请,Gmail 在很短的时间内就获得了巨大的用户群。 SNS 还处于起步阶段,对于它的商业价值和未来的发展方向,现在也没有一个统一的认识。 web 2.0的特点之一即是内容个性化,主要是通过“用户也是内容生产者”这条规则来实现的。
Web2.0是以 Flickr、Craigslist、Linkedin、Tribes、Ryze、 Friendster、、43Things.com等网站为代表,以Blog、TAG、SNS、RSS、wiki等应用为核心,依据六度分隔、xml、ajax等新理论和技术实现的互联网新一代模式。
A Trustful Wholesale Source
Looking for a quality sourcing alternative? We found one at PapayaOne, where you can choose from thousands of wholesale products from China.
Finding a wholesale source you can trust that offers low pricing and quality products is probably the most important key to your business. With PapayaOne, you may have found your answer.
PapayaOne visits every supplier you'll find on its site to evaluate their capacities and capabilities before offering them to you. Once their products appear online, PapayaOne monitors the quality and delivery performance.
Site Ease of Use: PapayaOne says it makes buying from China as easy as 1-2-3. You simply browse the site for products, place your orders online and make your easy, secure payment. Your order will be delivered to your door within 10 days via international courier.
Here are the things that I've learned about order problems during my time in this business:
Internet customers are for the most part "instant gratification" junkies. They want it NOW.
Because of this, backorder, discontinued item and other product problem situations must be handled immediately. Don't wait even a day. Call the customer, or email them. (A call is usually appreciated more than an email, but you have to watch your phone bill).
If you think a product might be questionable as far as stock status with your Drop Shipper, or if you stock them yourself but are running out, check with your Supplier before charging the customer's card. You get a feel for which items are stocked less than others after a while. You can always refund the charge, but it's better if you can tell them you have not charged them yet.Always offer to cancel. Chances are they won't, because then they have to go search for the product again and hope they don't run into the same problem somewhere else, but the offer to cancel must be there. It tells them that you are not desperate for the sale, and gives you the advantage in the conversation.
Be nice. Even if you are grinding your teeth. You can't afford to lose your grip. You never know when one episode of lost temper will come back to bite you.Follow up during the problem period. Send at least one email saying that you are monitoring the situation, and are sorry for the delay. That is a great tactic for defusing an impatient person; at least they know you are thinking about them.
If there is an additional delay, offer to cancel again. They may actually take you up on it if it's a long delay, but you don't lose anything if the Supplier has not yet shipped.When you know that the product has shipped, inform the customer. They appreciate that, and again, realize that you are at least thinking about them.
Most people understand order problems, and will give you no trouble. In fact, most are very appreciative if you contact them right away. Sometimes, you get the problem customers. Deal with them politely, and never lose your temper. Be the bigger person.
I always check my return emails to these people twice. There are times when I've let some temper slip in to my writing, and I'm sure to remove it before clicking the send button. It only ends up helping you in the long run!
Online wholesale store enables buyers wholesale consumer electronics direct from China
PapayaOne Ltd announced the official launch of their online wholesale electronics store:
This online platform allows buyers outside China import consumer electronics direct from China at very competitive price and ship to buyer door to door.
PapayaOne highlights 5 reason why buyer should choose them instead of other online wholesalers, as follows:
1. You get high quality, excellent pricing, fast delivery, and value-added services.
2. You feel confident knowing we perform regular factory audits on our suppliers to ensure compliance.
3. You gain a peace of mind because we perform 100% QC on all of our products.
4. Your technical questions are quickly addressed by our engineers.
5. You can customize small orders.
PapayaOne carries a wide range of consumer electronics. The product category are available now includes: China mobile phones, phones accessories, computer products, security products, digital camera and camcorders, car electronics and accessories, iphone and ipod accessories, electronics gadget such as alcohol breath tester etc.
PapayaOne puts the continued effort sourcing quality product and qualified manufacture and bring in the consumer technology to worldwide. Their well trained after sell service team and QC/technical support team guaranteed you a satisfied buying experience.
More information about PapayaOne - How PapayaOne describe itself: Papaya, by its nature, means growth, longevity and health. We want our buyers and suppliers to grow their respective businesses, thus improving the financial health of their companies. Through our online platform, we hope to build long-term relationships with our customers and vendors, therefore allowing us to better meet their needs.
China Wholesale Electronics Store is an online wholesale electronics store based in China. Offers consumer electronics and electronic gadgets at wholesale price. Huge selection of China mobile phones, computer products, iphone accessories, security products, cameras and camcorders, car electronics.